Monday, February 29, 2016

Folding Laundry, Sorting Socks, and Reflection

-I love it that most of the time my wife is the one who folds the laundry. 

In our house my wife is usually the one who folds the laundry.  It's not because we divvy up the chores that way but because, like a lot of men, I do not have adequate folding skills.  A few days ago I decided to try my best and fold the laundry.  Like a lot of men when we do "extra" things we like for our wives to we were doing them a favor.  Well, my wife noticed and she then said "I appreciate your effort honey" before she began to refold my attempt.

Now, there is one chore I don't mind and I don't mess up that often, sorting socks.  It's pretty straight
forward and there's not really a lot of skill involved.  Now, if you're one of those weird people who fold your socks instead of rolling them I don't understand you at all.  But I match them up, roll them up, then stick them in the drawer they belong in.

So what does sorting socks have to do with communion?  If you read in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 we are  commanded to reflect and examine ourselves before taking communion and reflecting on the sacrifice of Christ.  Doing laundry has a purpose, to clean clothes.  Communion also has a purpose, to examine ourselves and remember Christ's death.

When sorting socks we have to match them up.  What in our lives doesn't match up with God's priorities, what things are out of alignment?  Do you have a lack of concern for the lost?  Are you making poor financial choices?  Perhaps you have put religious tradition or cultural relevancy over the truth of scripture.

When sorting socks we also need to discard those socks that have holes in them.  These socks aren't good for anything and can't serve the purpose they were created for.  We also need to reflect  and ask God to reveal to us the things in our lives we need to discard.  Perhaps there are some toxic relationships that need to go, or self-serving worship where you only worship when you're comfortable and refuse to worship if you don't like the style or song, or perhaps you need to get rid of lust, addictions, gluttony, hatred, etc. and replace it with new things that God has for you

Laundry is also not a one time deal and if you have a toddler, like we do, it's almost a daily chore.  1st John 1:9 reads if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  Like laundry reflection and confession aren't one time deals either and we may need to daily confess to God.  Take some time to reflect upon your lives.  Is there some piece of it wich is contrary to God's will?  Then bring it to Jesus, ask Him to set it in order for you

Soap cleanses our laundry, our socks.  The blood of Jesus cleanses our souls.  Remember that as you go about your week

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