Monday, September 14, 2015

About Football Rivalry and Jesus

Football season is officially underway.  I see a lot of you celebrating the fact that football season is
here all over your social media walls.

As many of you know I'm from Alabama and in Alabama there's football season and then the boring stuff in-between football season.

In Alabama is, what I think to be, the greatest rivalry in college football.  The rivalry is between Alabama and Auburn.  Being in Alabama you get to pick one or the other, I think they put it on your voter registration card.  The teams and fan base love to hate each other.

I grew up and still am an Alabama fan.  I inherited that from my Dad.  When I was little my dad was the kind of guy who prepared to watch football.  He was dressed in Alabama gear, had his snacks ready, and passionately coached the team from the comfort of his living room.  If the Alabama and Auburn game were on he would be especially passionate about it.  I come by it honestly

There is also a great rivalry between life and death in our world.  Sin offers condemnation and death while Jesus Christ offers forgiveness and life.   Just like we inherit the love of certain teams from our parents we also inherit our sin-nature from our parents.  The people who come before us are fallen and therefore we are fallen.  We are sinful.

The world is passionate about sin, surrounding us with it and calling it good.  Sin leads to death.  But God is passionate too, He longs to be the One who surrounds us and He alone leads to life.

John 3:16-17  16 “For God so loved the world,[i] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

God is so passionate about you He made a way through Jesus because God wants you by His side.  He did that through the payment of death for sin when Jesus Christ willingly gave his life for payment of our sins.  Jesus defeated death, sin, and the grave!  The rivalry is over for those who follow Christ.

Remember His body that was broken for you, His blood that was spilled for you, and His death that paid the cost for our sin

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