Monday, August 31, 2015

Soggy House-shoes

It was winter in Alabama.  And I remember it because we had a sleet storm that year so it was all wet and sloshy with ice outside.  That night I, the big 9 year old geek that I was, was wearing my Superman P.J.s with the cape that velcroed to the back and a pair of really fuzzy gorilla horseshoes where I inserted each foot into the mouth of the beast.

During the night in question I was staying with my grandma because my dad was out of town.  Now something happened that night which was not to my liking, I can't remember what happened, so I announced I was leaving, I was moving out.  As soon as I finished saying those words my grandma leaped from her green corduroy lazy-boy, grabbed my little suitcase, and proceeded to pack my bag. I what seemed like less than 30 seconds I was strolling down the street in my superman p.j.s and my Gorilla house-shoes with a hastily packed suitcase in tow.

So much for my dramatic exit.  As the cold and slush quickly overtook those cheesy house-shoes I remember thinking I've made a terrible decision.  I had only walked to the end of the block where my aunt Mildred lived but my grandma had already called ahead and told her not to let me in.

My rebel spirit was broken.  So I turned and headed back to grandma's house.  I wondered things like did she already rent out my room, has she already gotten rid of my nintendo, will she call my dad.

Sure enough, my grandmas was standing at the front porch, smiling.  It's like she knew I would come back.  And then she came down to meet me and wrapped her arms around me, and helped me up the stairs into the house.  Where were my gorilla house-shoes?  She had to pick my up out of them because they were so heavy with the ice and slosh.  My grandma was glad this 5 minute rebel had come home.

In Hebrews 13:5 we read that God will never leave us nor forsake us.  In fact we find that phrase all throughout scripture.

Sometimes our heavenly Father will release us to our rebellion, too.  Knowing that our rebel heart will never be content until it i broken--He lets us walk away.  But even as we leave, He's waiting for our return.  And in the moment He sees us, He runs to greet us and welcomes us home.

He then invites us to share a meal at this table.  A little bit of bread, a tiny sip of juice, but it's God's forever remember to everyone who wanders--there is still a place for you.  To share in a holy meal with your brothers and sisters

So kick off those soggy house-shoes and upback that bag filled with reget and come take your place.  Because in the moment you take the first step toward Him, the Father will come running to meet you there

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