Monday, December 7, 2015

Tired Of This Album

Music has always been a huge part of my life.  I remember as a kid my dad played 8-tracks and records of all kinds of music in the house.  The radio was always on in the mornings while we were getting ready to go to work and school.  I grew to like music probably more than my dad does and grew to recognize my God-given talents because of it.

One of my favorite things to do was to explore new music and learn about new genres.  When I was a kid in the 80's I was really into Michael Jackson and 80's rock.  In middle school I was a weird kid because I liked Jazz music.  Then there was this really dark period of my life where I fell in love with country music for about a year.  I came through that struggle with God's help.  After that I went the opposite extreme and all through high school I listened almost exclusively to hardcore rap.  I even dressed like the guys I saw in the music videos.  Can you imagine me like that?  I college I really got into blues and back into jazz.  Not most of my time is focused on modern christian music that spans all kinds of genres.

I'm sure a lot of you reading this have gone through changes in musical interest over the years.  You get a brand new album and listen to it until you're just sick of it then  you move on to the next.  We wend to lost interest in music pretty quickly.  Just look at how the top 10 on the billboard changes.

If I were God I think dealing with people who have the same struggles dan in and day out would get old to me.  But I'm thankful I'm not God and God isn't like that.

Psalm 86:15 says "But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.  

I'm so thankful God doesn't treat us like an album He's tired of.  I'm so thankful He has grace when we come to Him over and over again with the same struggles and failures.  We sound like a broken record or a one track album but God is always there listening and being the Good Father that He is. What's also so awesome is He sits and listens to us exactly the way we are and if we're followers of Christ God sees the tune of Jesus.  Not only does He listen but he proved how much He loves us by Jesus dying on the cross.  His death paid the price for our sins.  God loves to listen to the album of your life but He doesn't want you to have the same tune your entire life, He loves you so much he wants to change your tune too.